Do I need to pay a fee?
We do not charge any upfront fees but are paid purely on results.
Do I need experience of the business I am interested in?
Previous experience is always a bonus but our consultants will able to make the very best of your present experience. In their presentation to the lender, they will show that you have the transferable skills necessary to make a success of the business.
I have a lifestyle business which does not show how profitable it really is. Can you help?
Our consultants will work on your accounts and use their skills to source you the very best deal available.
Will I need a business plan? Can you help?
Quite often, you will need a business plan to source the very best funding but if you have never produced one before, don’t panic! Our consultants will be happy to either advise you or, if required, write the whole business plan for you as part of the All Property Finance service.
I am looking to buy an under-performing business but the accounts are poor. Can you help?
Because of the relationships we have with the principal lenders, our consultants know exactly what the lenders are looking for. We have successfully mortgaged and remortgaged many applications where the accounts did not appear to support the borrowing.
I need to raise some money out of my house. Is this possible?
Yes, we can arrange for one of our consultants, who specialises only in residential mortgages, to arrange a no-nonsense quotation for you in just a couple of hours.
I am tenant in a commercial property and can buy it at a discount. Does that help?
Yes, we will be able to use the discount towards your deposit. Often, we can arrange a mortgage using only the discount as deposit so that you do not have to put any of your own money towards the deposit.
To find out more about how we can help you, please contact All Property Finance.